Aluminium extraction Extraction method: Aluminium is a very reactive metal. It cannot be extracted using carbon because it is above carbon in the reactivity series ie. it is more reactive than carbon. So it is extracted through electrolysis . Aluminium ore: The aluminium ore is bauxite ( impure aluminium oxide.) Major impurities in bauxite: The major impu rities include S ilicon dioxide, I orn Oxide and T itanium dioxide. ( SIT ) Purifying the aluminium oxide: Bauxite ore is heated in a pressure vessel along with a sodium hydroxide solution at a temperature of 150 to 200 °C. At these temperatures, the aluminium is dissolved to form sodium aluminate ( NaAlO 2 ) The insoluble impurities are removed by filtration. The sodium aluminate undergoes further treatment to form pure aluminium oxide. Nature of the electrolyte: The alumi...